Talofa lava everyone,

Last week on Wednesday we went to the corban art trip we went on the bus, me and my friend were talking and then we suddenly reached our destination.

We hoped of the bus and two kind ladies with the names of Whea Penny and Whea Mollie led us inside the building and we listened to the projection that they ad made we had morning tea and headed to the art room. We talked about the food that birds eat and they showed us how to outline the bird. we did so and then we coloured with french pastels. once we were finished we said a big thank you to the Instuctors. Soon after we left the place and took our amazing artworks with us.

Here are some photo’s



Kia ora bloggers,

On monday of week five and week six my class and I did dance with millie. We first started with a quick warm up that would get us nice and energised for our dance practice we started following on the actions that she was teaching us untill we got it right. we learnt half of the dance right when it was time to go back to our classroom. We were lucky we had another sesion the following week on monday.

The next week we came back to the hall and millie was there! We started again with our warm ups, and then we got on with the dance she taught us the rest of the dance and then we did it with our buddy. We turned on the music and started to grove. It was amazing!

Here is a photo.


1.give a unexpected compliment

2.let someone cut in front of you in line a stranger a coffee

4.sent a post card to a loved one

5.volunteer and give time to charity

6.bake something for your neighbor

7.treat someone to flower’s

8.pick up litter from your local park

9.tell your coworker there doing a good job

10.let your appreciation be known

11.sigh up to volunteer

12.donate blood

13.hold the door for someone else

14.being a respectful resposibel and a resilient learner

15.showing gratitude


Kia ora bloggers,

Today room 8 and my class explored peoples blog. We had some parts of blogs that we needed to find such as a comment, about me, a finished pice of work and more. We had a digital bingo board that we had to take screenshots of the task and add it into our blog. Their was blogs from three schools of our cluster.

Something I found easy was taking all the screenshots. Something I found hard was finding all the stuff but I stiil maneged to get everything.

Here is my bingo board! Have you ever done a bingo board? If you have what did you do on your bingo board. Leave it in the comments.

Ka kite have a good rest of your day

doing a Escape room

Hi edublogers so today page from thrill seekers came to hay park school so the hole school can try to do an a escape room so first we had to do a activity. Some of the activities were hard so there was a activity that was so easy it was the photo the we took we had to go in to teams so there were enough Ipads so there were five teams so my team name was the five musketeers so our equipment was a ipad and packs that had photo of old stuff from 1990’s so the final activity was so frustrating because we did the right code but the metal part wasn’t unlock then someone in our team pulled it out then we were finished the lock activity then we had to help groups one group got the code the second group got the code and the third group got it too and then fourth group got it too then we all finished then we went back to class.

By Xayvion.

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